Local Covid19 Updates



Dear Resident,

I am reaching out to you during unprecedented times. Leaders across our County and our State are working together to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and flatten the curve to reduce the number of new cases. Our vision is to be the healthiest county in Wisconsin. Therefore, the health and safety of Milwaukee County residents is our top priority.

Following recommendations of public health experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization, in addition to local and state public health officials, Milwaukee County has implemented an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to prevent further spread throughout the community. The EOC will coordinate a countywide strong response to the pandemic including tracking cases of COVID-19 across the County, coordinating resources and providing public information as necessary.

Throughout this rapidly evolving situation we appreciate your continued patience as we work to sustain public services and ensure the needs of all of our residents continue to be met.

Milwaukee County has created a webpage that will be updated daily with new information about our response to COVID-19, emergency orders, closures or changes in services.

Visit: Milwaukee County COVID-19 website for regular updates.

For more information about COVID-19, visit:  

There are everyday preventive actions we all can take as precautions to help avoid or minimize the spread of germs. We echo public health leaders who are urging our residents to stay home if you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, are experiencing shortness of breath or are coughing or sneezing. We also ask that you take precautionary measures for yourself and your family and prioritize your personal health and safety. 

  • Seek medical attention if you are experiencing flu-like systems or if your illness worsens.

  • Call ahead before visiting your doctor so your healthcare provider can take steps to keep others from getting infected. Dialing 9-1-1 should be reserved for medical emergencies to allow first responders to remain in-service for those in most critical need.

  • Handwashing is your best self-defense against the spread of germs. As a backup, use antibacterial hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard. Use your elbow only if necessary. Throw out used tissues.

  • When available, use disinfectant wipes in public places including door handles, seats and counters.

We understand this is an unprecedented time in our community with no rule book available to tell us how to handle this unique health threat. We must continue to work together as One County with One Vision to protect the health of our residents.

Thank you,

Chris Abele